Girls Fly!


Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)
Project Syllabus: Middle School and High School Age Girls.


Project Description


Girls Fly! is an empowerment program that encourages women and girls from all age groups and all walks of life to pursue a wide range of personal and professional aspirations through presentations, mentoring, and interactive experiences. Girls Fly! emboldens women and girls to experience the power of their dreams through Girls Fly! community events tailored to specific locations, and also through Girls Fly! with science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) activities. Girls Fly! experiences and Girls Fly! with STEAM help girls to make the connection between their dreams and the necessity of staying in school.

Girls Fly! provides a safe space for girls to believe that they can achieve. All venue hosts, referred to as Dream Releasers, are notified of a Girls Fly! Participant’s personal needs to assure her successful experience, (e.g., (a) Communication instruction – sign language interpreter, large print, Braille, device to playback verbal instructions for girls who might have print challenges; (b) Arts: tables of variable heights to accommodate girls who might be little people, use wheelchairs, microwave and microwavable containers). Please note that these are examples and not intended to be an exhaustive list. Across all aspects of the Girls Fly! experiences, advanced notice of reasonable accommodations needs will ensure inclusion of girls across a broad spectrum of ability and skill levels.

Each experience provides quality time in intimate small group discussions led primarily by women who have achieved recognition in various fields or as business owners. Participants learn first hand why their dreams are valid and how each girl’s dream holds within it the true potential for a satisfying life purpose and financial income.

Major areas of engagement for the girls during a one-day U.S.A. domestic experience are aviation, equestrian, arts and athletics. Internationally, the areas are personalized ten- day experiences addressing the needs of the girls in each country, with emphasis always placed on high quality, comprehensive entrepreneurial training, highlighting country-appropriate technology and skills.


Aviation Partners

Our Dream Releasers

Aero Squad is based at Compton Woodley Airport and a FAA part 61-flight school operated by Tomorrow’s Aeronautical Museum. Location: 961 West Alondra Blvd., Compton, CA, 90220. Tel. (310) 618-1155.

Materials/Supplies Required: Girls Fly!  Journal and pen.

Women in Aviation International
Morningstar Airport, 3647 State Route 503 South, West Alexandria, OH 45381-9354.Tel. Phone 937-839-4647

Each girl will have opportunities to:
• Learn to fly. Participants meet their peers who are already training to be pilots.
• Meet mentors. Hear the stories of how their current reality was once a dream and the valuable lessons learned during the journey. Interact with women and girls who are members of various aviation associations, careers and background. Intimate discussion and hands-on inspiration. Q & A with women scientist, engineers, artist and women who make STEAM fun and achievable.
• Visit the Ground School Center – Introduces career options and variables that effect aircraft performance and handling.
• Explore a preflight briefing areas
• Go to a 7,000 square foot hangar

STEAM Applications (with opportunity for interaction):

  • A computer flight simulator room using Microsoft Flight Simulator

  • Energy and forces

  • Modify existing aircraft designs

  • Improving aircraft performance

  • Introduction to the engineering process

Equestrian Partners

Our Dream Releasers

Jr. Posse Youth Equestrian Program, Compton Jr. Posse
453 W Caldwell St, Compton, CA 90220. Tel. (310) 632-1247

Materials/Supplies Required: Girls Fly! Journal and pen

Participants are teamed with horses. Through these equestrian activities, youth develop responsibility, discipline and self-esteem. Students learn to appreciate the value of their equestrian-related aspirations, to set and achieve both academic and career goals. Horsemanship:- Riding and understanding the locomotion of the horse, natural and artificial aids; the affect of the riders weight, hands, legs and voice and most importantly the riders spirit and emotions; how the rider’s health is enhanced- increases metabolism, develops focus, balance and concentration.

STEAM Applications:

  • Science: Equine anatomy and psychology of the horse and comparative other mammals.

  • Mathematics: Understanding the science and mathematics, health and nutrition of the horse and comparative to other mammals.

  • Research and Technology: Understanding methods of research and groundbreaking technology affecting the health and nutrition of the horse and comparative other health care related technology of other mammals.

  • Sociology: Understanding the equine pecking order, leadership, responsibilities and accountability to the herd and comparative to social orders within self and other mammals.

  • Ranch Management: Animal Husbandry (anatomy, physiology, life cycles, ecology) and complete care and handling of horses, including tack, feed, stalls, transportation, grooming and grounds.


Arts Partners

Our Dream Releasers

WriteGirl, 1330 Factory Place, Unit F104, Los Angeles, CA 90013.

Materials/Supplies Required: Girls Fly! journal, pens.

Winner of the White House recognition as the National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Award and a CNN Hero, WriteGirl is an energetic community of diverse professional women dedicated to empowering teen girls in Los Angeles through creative writing and self-expression. Girls Fly! participants are guided to find their written voice and understand how to apply writing to STEAM aspirations. Paired with a mentor, Girls Fly! and WriteGirl partner to accomplish shared goals of helping girls value their passion for writing.

Chef Tech LLC – The Science of Cooking
3842 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach, CA. Tel. (562) 989-2467

Materials/Supplies required: Girls Fly! journal and apron.

Participants discover how a pinch of curiosity can improve their cooking! Explore recipes, activities, and stay connected via Webcasts. Participants enhance their understanding of the science behind food and cooking. A kitchen is no different from most science laboratories and cooking is regarded as an experimental science. Food preparation and cookery involve many processes, which are well described by the physical sciences. Participants leave overwhelming enthusiastic about the chemistry and physics of cooking. They learn how to apply their new experience to successful creative healthy meals. For those of us who wish to know why certain recipes work and perhaps more importantly why others fail, appreciating the underlying physical processes will inevitably help in unraveling the mysteries of the “art” of good cooking.

STEAM Applications:

  • Physical Sciences – Chemistry and physic

  • Technology – Cooking equipment, gadgets and smartphones.

  • Engineer – (Girls Fly! with STEAM) – An overview of soft matter physics, paired with chefs to demonstrate recipes that highlight each concept. At the end of the course students conduct culinary experiments in tandem with a visiting chef about their cooking technique and philosophy.

  • Arts – Culinary arts

  • Math – Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit, calculating measurements for increased batches; ingredient substitutions for creativity and emergencies.

Las Fotos Project – The STEAM of Street Photography
1000 North Alameda Street, Suite 240, Los Angeles, CA. 90012
Materials/Supplies Required: Camera (cellphone, traditional or disposable). Girls Fly! journal and pen.
Equipped with her cellphone or a disposable camera, participants are partnered with experienced photographers to capture the Girls Fly! experiences of street photography in their every day surroundings. Street photography is the art of exploring life as it happens in the everyday moment, capturing the lives of others in a decisive instant frozen in time. Street photography tends to be ironic and can be distanced from its subject matter; it often concentrates on a single human act, caught at a decisive or poignant moment.

STEAM Applications:

  • Science – Chemistry and physics, in all aspects of photography. This applies to the camera, its lenses, and physical operation of the camera, electronic camera internals. The more inquisitive, the process of developing film in order to take and develop pictures properly will also be available.

  •  Technology – Explore the world of digital photography.

  • Engineering – Explore images and videos that relate to the beauty, intrigue and possibility of all things associated with research in engineering fields.

  • Art – Street art and Girls Fly! experiences.

  •  Math – Shutter speed, aperture and focal length.


Athletic Partners

Our Dream Releasers

Materials/Supplies Required: Tennis racquet, Girls Fly! journal and pen.

U.S. Tennis Association – Paralympic Wheelchair
420 Charles E. Young Drive West, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Tel. (310) 208-3838
USTA is dedicated to providing top-flight programming and developmental opportunities to wheelchair athletes of all ages and backgrounds. Their goal is for the athletes to learn the sport of tennis and have fun.

Deaf and hard of hearing Educational Athletic Foundation – DhhEAF, 1000 N. Alameda, Suite 240, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Tel. (562) 212-8747

DhhEAF teaches life’s lessons to deaf and hard of hearing youth through tennis. DhhEAF is the first and only program of its kind to do so. Our goal is to promote academic achievement, self-esteem enhancement, and good citizenship qualities so that our youth become better students, leaders and upstanding individuals.

STEAM Applications:

  • Designed to facilitate the understanding of tennis equipment and how it affects the game. The science is appropriate for student’s aged 14-16 and post-16 students but is particularly relevant to teachers of sports science. The modules are: Tennis shoes; Tennis rackets; Tennis balls; Courts and surfaces and a sports simulator.

  • Tennis shoes deal with force, pressure, friction and moments.

  • Tennis rackets looks at design and construction, kinetic energy and power, vibrations, forces and spin and interactive racket customization tools.

  • Tennis balls look at design and construction, forces and aerodynamics, spin and vector components for bouncing balls.

  • Courts and surfaces looks at force measurement in terms of design for cushioning and friction in terms of shoe traction.

Compton Par Three Golf Course
6400 E Compton Blvd., Compton, CA 90221. Tel. (562) 633-6721

Paired with a woman golfer, participants are introduced to relying on distance metrics to see how far to hit a ball, to knowing how numbers correspond to birdies, pars and bogies, all of which make a solid foundation in math to compete in a game of 18 holes. Participates learn the importance of selecting the right club; each is engineered with a different loft, or angle, for hitting balls various distances and trajectories. Participants leave enthusiastic about their golf dreams and never look at the 300-450 dimples that dot the surface of a golf ball the same way once they learn how it helps it travel farther than a ball with smooth surfaces.

STEAM Applications:

  • Levers

  • Projectile Motion

  • Momentum Transfer

Learning Style Partners

(Project Methodology)

Girls Fly! experiences are personalized utilizing a pre-registration questionnaire to address the various learning styles, e.g. visual learners, kinetic and auditory learners. One example is through the teaching strategy called the “I Do It, We Do it, You Do It” method; to help make the teaching of new academic material easier, particularly for girls with disabilities and those who are below grade level reading skills.

Engagement: Girls Fly! with STEAM
Inspired by TED Talks and the Harvard College General Education course “Science and Cooking: From Haute Cuisine to the Science of Soft Matter,” former Girls Fly! participants and members of the public are invited to attend a series of five lectures by world-class experts and girls presenting projects associated with their STEAM-related dreams. The lectures, while related, are not a replication of the Girls Fly! live course content.

Each Lecture

  • Will take place at a local college or university, beginning Fall, 2015.

  • Includes a private reception for Girls Fly! participants and STEAM-related sponsors.

  • Seating is open to the public and limited to 145 for all lectures. Seating is available on a first come, first seated basis.

  • 90 minutes – Divided into three age groups: Junior high/High School student, college student and a professor/professional expert.

  • Representing diverse cultures, providing males and females an opportunity to witness the diversity of women and girls with STEAM dreams.

  • Broadcast live domestically and internationally to two local junior high schools classrooms, two local high schools; in sister-city classrooms overseas, i.e. Compton’s partners in Nigeria, Belize, Mexico, Samoa and China.

  • Broadcast of Girls Fly! with STEAM is complimented with culturally relevant local activities prior to the talks.

  • Lectures will be available for viewing online. Links to live video streaming are associated with Sylvia Global Media Network and available on iTunes and YouTube for archived lectures.

Expected Outcomes for Girls Fly! and the Girls Fly! with STEAM series include:

  • Demystifying careers and institutions associated with science, technology, engineering, art and math.

  • Fueling the dreams of girls across the globe by using technology to share live powerful stories associated with girls and women in the pursuit of their STEAM-related dreams and aspirations.

  • Uncovering the diversity in STEAM occupations with live images, multilingual, global examples, particularly from underrepresented ethnic groups.

  • Reaffirming the value of girls’ STEAM-related dreams.

  • Girls Fly! with STEAM precedes Girls Fly! in a new community and keeps the participants connected following the Girls Fly! live experience.


We offer pre- and post-attitudinal surveys to gauge the impact of the curricula on students. We will work with our partners to develop an extensive independent evaluation plan to help us improve the program and to ensure students’ success.


Financially Girls Fly! with STEAM Womenics.  Understanding the power of the purse, STEAM has applications in the portfolio management business. This experience helps young women understand that their wants and needs are increasingly dictating every industry –cosmetics, technology, entertainment, media, financial services, basic staples and luxury brands (ref. Joe Quinlan, Chief Market Strategist, U.S. Trust). This is known as Womenics and it is a reflection of the dreams of women. Girls Fly! with STEAM financially confirms how Womenics is dictating the future with positive, inclusionary systems for areas of study and activity in STEAM-related professions. Approached from a high performing teams perspective and why successful teams must have female participants and leaders. Participants learn through live interaction, discussion and five digital lectures about the research around women led organizations, their out performance and the portfolio of companies.

At the end of a quarter a group of young ladies are invited as participants to trade the WGES model and have a volunteer or honoree execute the trade button moving hundreds of millions of dollars.

Expected Outcomes for Girls Fly! and the Girls Fly! with STEAM Womenics series include:

Each Lecture

  • Reaffirms the value of girls’ financial dreams.

  • Helps young women connect the dots associated with financial stability, global citizenship, their personal aspirations and higher levels of financial literacy.

  • Will take place at a local college or university, beginning Fall, 2015.

  • Will have an honoree share her experience associated with executing the trade button, moving hundreds of millions of dollars.

  • Each 90 minute lecture will include a talk about the research around women led organizations, their out performance and the portfolio of companies.

  • Helps young women understand their individual earning power and how their financial success provides economic security for their families and communities.

  • Helps young women understand their individual earning power and how their financial success dictates banking decisions and world economies.

  • Demystifies careers and institutions associated with finance, science, technology, engineering, art and math.

  • Fuels the dreams of girls across the globe by advancing their financial literacy and using technology to share live powerful stories associated with girls and women in the pursuit of their financial STEAM-related dreams and aspirations.

  • Uncovering the diversity in financial occupations with live images, multilingual, global examples, particularly from underrepresented ethnic groups.

  • Girls Fly! with STEAM Womenics precedes Girls Fly! in a new community and keeps the participants connected following the Girls Fly! live experience.

  • Seating is open to the public and limited to 145 for all lectures. Seating is available on a first come, first seated basis.

  • Representing diverse cultures, providing males and females an opportunity to witness the diversity of women and girls with STEAM dreams and Womenics.

  • Includes a private reception for Girls Fly! participants and STEAM-related sponsors.

  • Broadcast live domestically and internationally, the discussion targets young women in high school and college, two local high schools; in sister-city classrooms overseas, i.e. Compton’s partners in Nigeria, Belize, Mexico, Samoa and China.

  • Lectures will be available for viewing online. Links to live video streaming are associated with Sylvia Global Media Network and available on iTunes and YouTube for archived lectures.